Photography is a beautiful art that can capture not only the world around us, but also how the photographer sees the world. As an art form, it is also immediate to children, who are able to relate to photographed images of easily recognizable subjects. In this article you'll find information about how to teach photography to children.
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Decide what camera to use when you teach photography to children. Each type of camera has its pros and cons. Disposable cameras are simple to use, but there's the added cost for developing the film. Digital cameras are more difficult to use, but they can be developed right on your computer and the pictures easily printed.
2Show your child the basics of how to operate the camera. She may even need to know what button to push, and where to place her hands, so that she is not blocking the viewfinder. Teach her the importance of light, such as making sure there's enough light to see what she is photographing. Teach her to have the light in front of the subject. Tell her not to point her camera into the sun, as the sun will blot out any image. If you are using a digital camera, you may need to teach your child to focus the camera.
3Show your child books of photography by famous photographers, including those that feature photos of children. Fine examples are "In Our Time: The World as Seen by Magnum Photographers," Anne Geddes' "Be Gentle with the Young," or any by Ansel Adams. Point out the use of light in the books, and how the photographer centered the subject in the photographs.
4Bring your child to exhibitions of photography. Fine examples of exhibitions are Andr Kertsz: On Reading, which can also be viewed online, or Yousuf Karsh: Regarding Heroes at the Art Institute of Chicago. Look for local exhibits by contacting studios or museums in your area. Ask the children to comment on the use of light and how the photographers created their images.
5Let your child be hands-on with the camera. Encourage him to photograph whatever subjects appeal to him. Answer any of his questions, and be on hand to assist.
6Print your child's photographs, and display them for her to see. Affirm all your child's efforts. You can even hold photo contests or hold an exhibition, where you can invite family and friends.
Photography is a beautiful art that can capture not only the world around us, but also how the photographer sees the world. As an art form, it is also immediate to children, who are able to relate to photographed images of easily recognizable subjects. In this article you'll find information about how to teach photography to children.
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Decide what camera to use when you teach photography to children. Each type of camera has its pros and cons. Disposable cameras are simple to use, but there's the added cost for developing the film. Digital cameras are more difficult to use, but they can be developed right on your computer and the pictures easily printed.
2Show your child the basics of how to operate the camera. She may even need to know what button to push, and where to place her hands, so that she is not blocking the viewfinder. Teach her the importance of light, such as making sure there's enough light to see what she is photographing. Teach her to have the light in front of the subject. Tell her not to point her camera into the sun, as the sun will blot out any image. If you are using a digital camera, you may need to teach your child to focus the camera.
3Show your child books of photography by famous photographers, including those that feature photos of children. Fine examples are "In Our Time: The World as Seen by Magnum Photographers," Anne Geddes' "Be Gentle with the Young," or any by Ansel Adams. Point out the use of light in the books, and how the photographer centered the subject in the photographs.
4Bring your child to exhibitions of photography. Fine examples of exhibitions are Andr Kertsz: On Reading, which can also be viewed online, or Yousuf Karsh: Regarding Heroes at the Art Institute of Chicago.
Enhance your photography skill,The Top Secret Photography Techniques
. Look for local exhibits by contacting studios or museums in your area. Ask the children to comment on the use of light and how the photographers created their images. 5Let your child be hands-on with the camera. Encourage him to photograph whatever subjects appeal to him. Answer any of his questions, and be on hand to assist.
6Print your child's photographs, and display them for her to see. Affirm all your child's efforts. You can even hold photo contests or hold an exhibition, where you can invite family and friends.
HOW TO MAKE YOUR CHILD A MODEL IN NEW YORK D&G, I am Galina Samsonov, a photographer and a mother of two successful child models employed by one of the top 5 modeling agencies in the world.
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